Showa Kinen Park Fireworks Festival

Showa Kinen Park Fireworks Festival

Tachikawa, Tokyo, Japan
Jul 27, 2024 - Jul 27, 2024

The Tachikawa Showa Kinen Park Fireworks Festival is a medium sized fireworks festival.

A bit around the event

Recommendations from HUE App: A World Where Taste Matters. HUE App is the new trendy social foodie app where people share their gems and get personalized recommendations from a like-minded community.

1. 元祖一条流がんこラーメンたま館分店

2. 陳建一麻婆豆腐店 立川

3. 土鍋ご飯 SHIKA-JIKA


4. Irohado ecute Tachikawaten

5. シェいなば

See more in the App