Nestled in the heart of Kanazawa's historic Edo district, Komatsu Yasuke's sushi restaurant has become a beloved destination for locals and tourists alike. The small shop is manned by the legendary Kazuo Morita, whose years of experience in sushi-making have earned him a reputation as a master of his craft. Despite his status, Morita-san remains down-to-earth and welcoming, making his restaurant accessible to everyone. Customers can choose from a variety of set menus, each showcasing the freshest ingredients and Morita-san's expert technique. His team of skilled assistants works in perfect harmony behind the counter, under his guidance. The restaurant's signature dishes, such as the steamed abalone with dashi, squid nigiri with salt and sesame seeds, and eel and cucumber sushi rolls, are renowned for their exquisite flavor and texture. Morita-san takes pride in every dish he serves, delighting in sharing the joy of sushi with his customers. Once invitation-only, Komatsu Yasuke's sushi restaurant now welcomes all who seek a taste of traditional Edo-style sushi. For those who appreciate the artistry and history of this beloved cuisine, a visit to Morita-san's restaurant is a must.