

Restaurant - Italian / Pizzeria Organic
2503 Yana, Kisarazu, Chiba 292-0812, Japan


Welcome to クルックフィールズダイニング, where nature's bounty comes to life on your plate. Situated within the picturesque landscapes of Crookfields farm, our restaurant is a sanctuary of farm-to-table dining. At クルックフィールズダイニング, we have a profound connection with the ingredients we work with daily. We believe that the sun's energy infuses life into our produce, allowing us to create dishes that embody the full cycle of existence. From the moment our ingredients are nurtured within the embrace of our park, to the moment they grace your plate, you can taste the vibrant energy that nature bestows upon them. We are committed to environmental sustainability, opting for environmentally friendly detergents and organic, additive-free seasonings whenever possible. Our DINING activities strive to be healthy and in harmony with the natural environment, respecting the delicate ecosystem. The menu at クルックフィールズダイニング is a testament to our dedication to freshness. You will relish in the abundance of fresh organic vegetables and herbs grown within our park, savor the eggs from our charcuterie and heirloom chickens, and delight in the freshly made cheese from our dairy farm. Each dish captures the essence of the season, as we carefully select and prepare flavors freshly picked from the クルックフィールズ landscape. Immerse yourself in a culinary journey that celebrates the changes of the seasons and the origin stories of our ingredients. Join us at クルックフィールズダイニング, where we invite you to savor the flavors of nature's harvest while appreciating the captivating beauty of the natural world. Come and experience a meal that embodies the cycle of life at クルックフィールズダイニング.

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